Thursday, August 11, 2011


There are a number of reasons why people fall in love. Some people fall in love for the right reasons. Others do it out of lack of confidence. They do not want to be alone, which is not a good enough reason. We’ll look at the two grounds: the right reason and the wrong reason.
1. Right reasons
Here, people fall in love because they want to offer someone something good that they have. They want to be with someone not as to depend on him or her but to share their life with them. They have something good to offer and they want something good in return. They want to spend time with someone not because they are scared to be alone but because they enjoy the other person’s company. They are not in the relationship with closed eyes but open eyes. They can see all; the good and bad happening, and they are ignoring the bad because they are scared to be alone, or because they feel embarrassed that it’s happening to them.
Being in love is about giving and receiving what is good. Please, underline the word good. Most people miss this point. A lot of people love the idea of being in love but not the actual fact. If many people understand the real reason of being in love and what being in love is, there would be less divorce, heartbreaks, suicides, violence and anything else that is related to bad breakups or bad relationships.
How can you tell someone you love him or her when you cheating on him or her. How can you tell someone that you love him or her when you can’t even stand the way him or her treats you.
How can you say that you are in love when you always fight? How can you say that you are in love when you don’t have the same goals? He wants to have children and you don’t to have children. The relationship is doomed from the start. You are only together because you don’t want to be alone. You love the idea of being in love but you are not actually living it. You can’t be in love if you are not in love.
The other reason why people fall in love is because people like to be treated nicely. They like to live in a good environment and be with people who know and understand them. In essence love does fulfill this. You can get this kind of environment from your family or friends or strangers but it is not within a time frame. It can end anytime and also family, friends and strangers won’t always have time for you. They have their own lives to live. So as much as they love you, they can’t guarantee that they will always here for you.
People also have sexual needs and thus they also want to be in an environment where that need, will be met when necessary. Thus, being in love ‘guarantees’ both of this: the niceness and the sex. Thus a person is free to do whatever he or she wants, knowing that he or she have someone who cares for their person and is ‘always’ there for him or for her physically, emotionally and sexually. This is the ultimate human desire and every human being seeks to achieve this point of their life (being in love).
Most of the time, this has been achieved through heterosexual relationships and in a few cases, which is now becoming many and common, through same sex relationships.
People in same sex relationships can equally be in love just as much as people in heterosexual relationships.
Because being in love is about assurance. Whoever gives you the assurance is the one you fall in love with. It even makes it easier if you have a lot in common.
A twenty-years old girl can fall in love with a sixty-years old man and vice versa. And it has happened in a lot of cases where people with a big age gap have fallen in love.Anyone can fall in love but not all do it for the right reasons.
2. Wrong reasons
There are a lot of people who fall in love for the wrong reasons and because of this, they can’t be in love. Being in love is a wonderful thing and some people just like the idea of it.
But in order to be in love, you have to be in love with someone. And this is where the trouble arises. Because some people love the idea of being in love so much, they end up falling in love with the first person that is a little bit nice to them. They don’t take their time to know the person. And even if the person shows signs of hurting them in the future, they ignore the signs. They are more concerned about being with someone, than being with someone who really loves and cares about them. It takes a long time to know a really good person but it only takes a short time to know a bad person. A good person is there but you just don’t notice because you are too busy looking everywhere else other than next to you. A bad person is at a far distance, all you have to do is look up and they will come over to you. A lot of people (girls especially) are scared of being alone. Thus they always end up falling for the wrong person because their logic mind is clouded with the desire to be with someone, anybody that shows interest in them. They don’t assess the person. All they care about is that he/she doesn’t come on to strongly. They don’t care about his looks, what he does for a living, his interests and future plans. We are constantly told not to worry about these things; looks, money etc. But if you are going to commit to someone, you will have to do so knowing how, the lack of or having these things will affect your relationship in the future. Most relationships end because people change their minds. For example, they hook up with someone without money and they don’t have money either. It seems good at first with all the love and sex but you have to survive as well. And so when the times get tough, they pull out of the relationship. They can’t handle having no money and this leads to them to do more worrying and struggling than loving and enjoying life.
I should point out that there are a lot of people who have had successful relationships with only a little bit of money. Money isn’t everything to those who can live without it.
In another case, someone would go out with a fairly unattractive person because they don’t want to be alone. They ignore the unattractiveness instead of accepting it. The relationship is good at first because of all the adrenaline of being with someone new and the sex offered. Thereafter, the adrenaline goes down and they are forced to look at the person and realize that they can’t handle their unattractiveness and start looking for a way out of the relationship. Any quarrel or opportunity to meet someone else is taken as a reason to breakup.
Most relationships are not over, on the day someone says it’s over, but weeks, months or years in advance. You were just looking for the perfect time to tell someone and also the embarrassment of not being able to honor your commitment, love puts you off from telling that person until you are discovered of cheating on them, or forced to, out of anger during an argument.
People also fall in love to show off. The love the idea of being in love so much and they don'’ want to be left out. They want everyone to see that they can be loved as well.
There are the ones who normally talk about their partner and how much they love them, all the time to their friends. There is a difference between being happy and showing off. To them it’s not just a matter of I have a wonderful partner but, see what he did for me, look at us, observe closely, keep watching, listen. The whole relationship is superficial. It’s a show mostly put up for their friends and anyone in close proximity. This is a relationship that doesn’t involve planning for the future, sharing ideas, growing together. But it’s more of being together for everyone to see that you are not alone.
A lot of young girls fall into this. A lot of young guys love to show off too.
People should realize that there is nothing wrong with being single because it gives you time to make yourself a better person for your partner.
A lot of time is spent and wasted looking for the right person instead of making yourself the right person. Instead of looking for Mr. Right, be Ms. Right, and Mr. Right will find you, and vice versa.
If you want something good, you should be willing to offer something good 
We live in a world where we spend a lot of time asking ‘what can you give me?’ rather than asking ‘what will I give you?’
If you get without giving, you are most likely to lose what you get.

Tips to become happy

Tips to become happy

Everyone wants to be happy but most people never manage to do it.
Even when people manage to find short term happiness soon they find themselves feeling down once again as if their happiness evaporated for no reason.

The main reason people never manage to become happy for long periods of time is the lack of understanding of emotions in general and specifically of happiness itself.
In this article i will give you some tips that will help you become happy and maintain your happiness.

Quick happiness tips

  • Solving unsolved problems: Unsolved problems are the main reason for mood swings, as soon as you encounter something that would remind you of an unsolved problem you will feel bad. The first step to becoming happy is to solve your unsolved problems
  • Getting rid of the things that ruin your life: How many people suffer everyday because they hate their jobs and how many couples feel bad everyday because of a dissatisfying relationship? If you want to be truly happy then you must get rid of the things that ruin your life
  • Stop worrying? No you can't just press a stop button: In my book, The ultimate guide to getting over depression i explained how emotions are nothing more than messages your subconscious mind sends you in order to take certain actions. Worries are emotions sent to you by your mind to remind you of your existing problems. The only solution to kill worrying is to reassure your mind that you are prepared for facing this problem, else you will never manage to stop worrying and you wont become happy
  • The Physical state and mental state are connected: If you didn't sleep well you will feel irritated, if you were exhausted you are very less likely to feel happy and so on. Your physical state is highly connected to your mental state and living a healthy life style is one of the important components for happiness
  • Avoid negative people: Emotions are transferred between people very fast. Spending a day with a stressed person is very likely to make you stressed too. Avoid negative people whenever possible if you want to be happy.
The book The ultimate guide to getting over depression was released by 2knowmself, the book provides a 100% guarantee for feeling better else you will be refunded. 2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply.

why was i rejected

What was i rejected?
Why didn't they accept me?
Why did she reject me?
Why i didn't get that job?
These questions sound familiar right? almost all people ask themselves such questions right after experiencing rejections especially if they weren't sure of themselves or their skills.
In one of my previous articles i said that finding the right reason behind a rejection can save your self confidence from being affected by that rejection.
If you answered the "why i was rejected" question incorrectly you might badly affect your self confidence and that's why i wrote this article to help you answer it in a correct way.

This is why you were rejected

I am assuming that you are already a good and skilled person because after all if the problem was a lack of certain skill then you shouldn't be asking the "why i was rejected" question but instead you should be working on developing your skills.
Here are many reasons that could let someone reject you even though you are good:
  • 1) Jealousy: Believe it or not but a person could reject you because he is jealous of you. If a person felt jealous of you he could treat you in a bad way just to make you feel bad. If you weren't confident enough you will interpret this rejection in an incorrect way by attributing it to your personal flaws and as a result you will lower your self confidence
  • 2) Insecurity: A friend of mine told me that she hates all new comers at her work because she fears that they take the lights from her or even replace her! People may reject you out of feelings of insecurity. The same could happen in a job interview if the interviewer felt that you can take his own position one day! this happens often with interviewers who aren't confident enough.
  • 3) You pressed the wrong button: People are completely different. What makes a person happy might not make the other one happy. Some people, especially women, might be turned off if you clicked the wrong button. Because people are different the wrong button for one of them might the right button for someone else. If this happened then you might be rejected even if you were really good
  • 4) Perception problem: In the Solid Self confidence program i said that i know many people who started treating others badly because they mistakenly believed that others ignore them on intention while this never happened!! if one day you didn't say hi to a person and if he wasn't confident enough he might believe that you did it on intention and as a result he might wait for the first chance to reject you!!
  • 5) They have issues: A man could reject you because he fears commitment as a result of the trauma he has been through after his parents got divorced while a women may reject you because she believes that all men aren't worthy as a result of the bad way her father treated her in the past . Many people have issues and they give their own meanings to the things that have common meanings. This private logic they think with lets them reject lots of people who don't deserve to be rejected.
  • 6) Past unfinished business: I knew a girl who was very beautiful and who used to chase guys until they like her, after they do she just pulls away leaving the guy confused. Later on i discovered that she is insecure because she doesn't know whether she is really attractive or not and as a result she keeps testing her might whenever she sees an attractive guy 

Rejection doesn't mean that you are bad

You are good!! if you believe in yourself then the rejections you faced might have nothing to do with you.
Some people are jealous, others are insecure while a third group have issues. It wont be fair to lower your self confidence if you got rejected by any of those people.
Have confidence in yourself and find the right reasons behind the rejections you got. Even if you didn't manage to find the reasons just know that in most cases they won't be related to you.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.
The Solid confidence program was launched by; the program will either help you become more confident or give you your money back.

How to stop worrying so much ?

Hum im on you and thinking you.

How to stop worrying so much?
We all know that worrying can ruin our lives and make us feel miserable yet most of us worry all the time about everything that seems unpredictable.
The best way you can follow to stop worrying is to first learn how to worry more!! When you learn how to worry more you will get to understand the mistakes that you do that make you worry so much.
By learning how to avoid these common mistakes you will know how to stop worrying so much and you will live a happier life.

This is how to stop worrying so much

Here are the mistakes people do that make them worry so much:
  • 1) Searching for something to worry about: A friend of mine used to check the value of his sticks every few minutes then calculate the increase/decrease in the value. My friend was searching for something to worry about! The right thing my friend should have done to stop worrying is to check the value of his stocks less often or whenever he needs to take an important decision. Now when it comes to you, how many times do you chase similar data that ruins your day? how many times you check your mail? your Inbox or anything else that makes you worry more?
  • 2) Become emotionally attached: Once your become emotionally attached to one thing and overly dependent on it you will start to worry so much about it. I know its not easy to detach yourself emotionally and that's why the best thing you can do to stop worrying so much is to have backup plans and alternative paths. Once you have a backup plan in place you will become less attached to what you have and so you won't worry that much .
  • 3) Pessimism and worrying: Did you ever realize that 90% of the things you worry about never happen? If you tried to keep a journal of the things you worry about so much you will discover that in most cases you ruin your life by worrying and in the end nothing bad happens! Pessimists worry more because they keep expecting the worse. If you want to stop worrying so much then learn how to be optimistic. I am not asking you to fool yourself or to live in a fantasy world but i just want you to realize that you are already fooling yourself by expecting the worse all the time
  • 4) Worrying and impatience: One of the best ways to worry so much is to become impatient. Impatient people keep chasing results all the time and they start thinking negatively when they don't find what they expected to find. If you want to stop worrying so much then you need to become patient
  • 5) Self confidence and worrying: In the Solid Self confidence program i said that one of the main reasons people worry about things is that they lack self confidence at certain life areas. If you are not sure of your skill when it comes to doing something important then certainly you will worry so much whenever you have to do it. Improve your skills, raise your self confidence and you will stop worrying so much

How to stop the worrying habit

Worrying is like any other bad habit. You can't read an article about breaking a certain habit then stop it right away but instead you need to be a little patient until you gradually get rid of that bad habit.
It might take you some time before you manage to change your negative thinking patterns but if you persisted to the end then you will certainly stop worrying so much.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.
The Solid confidence program was launched by; the program will either help you become more confident or give you your money back.


Anger and fear


Yesterday I was taking a friend of mine to the bus that will take her back home in another city that is four hours away. Since she was going to spend 4 hours without food I had to go and buy her some things to eat while being in the bus but a lady who works there suddenly frowned at me and told me “Its not allowed to bring these things into the bus and if you are going to give them to your friend I will let her leave the bus in the middle of the road”
Suddenly I became very angry and I shouted at her, I told her “Give me your name and the bus number, I will call your boss and show you the consequences of talking to customers like that”
The lady then came and apologized and told me that we she was just kidding and since my friend is an expert in lying detection she told me that the lady was honest.

I was angry because I was afraid

Behind anger always lies fear, Even if the angry person appears to be strong and in control fear will always be the reason behind his anger. When my friend helped me down I started to make some conclusions.
I was afraid that she does what she said which is leaving my friend in the middle of the highway alone. My fear that my friend gets treated badly made me angry and so anger was there to protect me from my fears.
If I knew that she was kidding (even though she didn’t) I would have just said “what a weird way to joke” but since I was afraid my anger exploded.

he relationship between anger and fear

Whenever you find yourself angry just ask yourself one question, what am I afraid of?
If you found yourself shouting at another driver then you might find that you were afraid of the damage that was going to happen to your car.
If you found that you are angry at a lazy employee then most probably you will find that you were afraid that your company performs bad or that your own manager evaluates you poorly.
If you were angry at someone who made fun of you then you might find that you were afraid of what people might say about you if you didn't take strong actions

Anger and depression

One of the main causes for depression is suppressed anger. If your rights were constantly violated people and if you didn't manage to channel the resulting anger correctly you will end up depressed. In my book, The ultimate guide to getting over depression i explained how suppressed emotions can be one of the main reasons causing depression. People who manage to channel their suppressed emotions in a timely manner are less likely to get depressed.

Anger management

Anger management is something deeper than controlling your breath or counting from one to ten because unless you have a deep understanding of your fears you might be wasting your time on techniques that will never work. One of the vital steps for controlling anger is learning how to control your fears.
If you found a person angry and shouting then try to understand the reasons that are behind his anger so that you can comfort him. For example If your boss told you “you are always late” never tell him “I understand that you are afraid that people might say that you are a weak manager but instead say “I am sorry, I know this might affect my scorecard and I will be on time starting tomorrow”. Instead of shouting at him and saying that he is bossy just understand his fears and comfort him and he will become calm again in minutes

My Views why Single Women Hate To Hear

No matter who it's from, this well-meaning advice falls on deaf single ears.

Every time she hung out with her single female friends, the same gripes surfaced. Enough already with the how-to-snag-a-guy advice streaming from anyone and everyone as soon as status single was announced, they said.
Suddenly, Karin Anderson, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Concordia University Chicago, found herself keeping track of what these single women were saying, replacing the strict academic research techniques she was used to with more informal polling.
What she found was a deluge of well-meaning advice being issued to singles that, while offered with the best of intentions, not only wasn't working but was making singles' skin crawl.
The message to singles tends to be that they're doing something wrong, 'You're too this' or 'You're not enough that.' Being single is treated as this problem that needs to be solved," says Anderson. "That's really bogus. We should be telling single women, 'You're fine. There's nothing wrong. Enjoy your life.'"
These five snippets of well-meaning advice to singles top Anderson's list of worst offenses. Here's why.

What's Heard: "This can come off sounding like you're passing judgment on effort," says Anderson. "It's better to encourage a single person to explore new relationships to the extent they are comfortable and to extend themselves in ways that feel natural and not forced."
2) What's Said: WEAR MORE MAKEUP.
What's Heard: More than implying that the search for Mr. Right is as easy as brushing a spot of color onto the cheeks, this comment offends further by actually attacking a person's core identity. "A woman presents herself according to what she defines as meaningful. Whether her style is glamorous belle or au naturelle, every woman should be allowed to be herself. There's a man out there who is going to be attracted to her style, whatever it is. If she's presenting herself as anyone other than who she really is, that's false advertising and that's going to backfire."
3) What's Said: GET BACK OUT THERE!
What's Heard: This can send the signal that the single person is simply not doing enough speed or Internet or blind dating, or worse, that she isn't living a full enough life. "Singles are not by definition hiding out in their closets curled up in the fetal position all day," says Anderson. "Most are likely working, meeting friends out for dinner and events, working out."

4) What's Said: YOU'RE TOO PICKY.
What's Heard: This implies that at some point, a point that the single friend or loved one has reached, she is no longer allowed to be discriminating, says Anderson. "This sends single women the message that their time to be choosy is up, that it's now time to go out and pick up any chump."
5) What's Said: TONE IT DOWN A NOTCH.
What's Heard: You ask too many questions. You're too intimidating. You're overly opinionated. You're too consumed with work. "This is interpreted by single women to mean that they have to dial down their core identity a notch in order to attract potential suitors and make them feel comfortable," says Anderson. "Suggesting that a woman reduce the fullness of who she is to lure a mate will lead to an inauthentic connection, and is a recipe for a disastrous relationship or marriage. Because really, how long can any person fake it and maintain a facade?"

Documentary - Nepal - Pokhara

This video is about a beautiful city of Nepal, Pokhara. A must visit place in world in your lifetime.

6 personality traits that will impress your boss and increase your salary

6 personality traits that will impress your boss and increase your salary

 You work hard--meeting deadlines, delivering results, and showing up on time. But each year you've been getting a raise in the measly 2 percent range (if that). Meanwhile, certain coworkers stroll out of their review meetings with big smiles on their faces.

Why do some people get a fat, juicy slab of the pie while others are offered crumbs? Experts say that, of course, diligence and talent play their part, but if you really want to increase your salary, you'll need these qualities:

1. An Owner's Mentality
Many people go into their annual review with a list of reasons that they need more money. But Joel Rudy, vice president of operations for Photographic Solutions, a supplier of digital-camera cleaning products, says that such pleas don't inspire employers to give raises. "I know that utilities have gone up," he says. He is more impressed with people who apply those inflationary concerns to the business--as if it were their own. For example, he was recently impressed with an employee who found a less expensive phone plan for the company. "Now, that's a raise-getter!" he says.

2. Forward-Thinking
While the people who get good raises definitely know how to highlight last year's achievements, Laura Browne, a corporate trainer and the author of "Raise Rules for Women: How to Make More Money at Work," says the highest earners don't dwell on the past. "Forget about last year. Find out the key initiatives that your company or your president wants to achieve this year," she says. For example, if the president said in the annual report that he wants to increase customer satisfaction by 15 percent, focus on that goal. "Your work needs to be connected with what the company cares about right now," says Browne.

3. Visibility
If you stay cloistered in your cubicle, you'll probably be disappointed when raises are announced--no matter how hard you work. "Quiet, shy, or otherwise invisible types are often left behind when it's pay-raise time," says Jane Goldner, PhD., president of The Goldner Group, an Atlanta-based consulting firm. To ensure that you and your hard work are seen, request projects that will get you in front of others--working with colleagues from other departments, giving presentations, or even contributing to the company newsletter. This will make it easier for your boss to plead your case to any necessary approvers. "If your boss is in the meeting and says, 'I want to give a raise to Sally,' it's going to be hard if no one knows who Sally is. On the other hand, if you have been visibly helpful, they'll say, 'Oh Sally, She's terrific!'" says Browne.

4. Charisma
Having great ideas and lofty goals is terrific. But if you want to see them executed, you also have to motivate others to rally around your initiatives. Executive coach Lisa Chenofsky Singer says these kind of interpersonal skills play a huge role when compensation is discussed. "Although someone may be competent from a technical-qualifications perspective, if their style doesn't flow well with others or they're not able to influence others, they tend to be the low-increased players," she says.

5. Tough Skin
No boss will ever say, "I love to give raises to self-promoters." So how do you draw attention to your achievements without looking like a braggart? Milan P. Yager, president and CEO of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations, says that giving your boss a quarterly progress report and asking for feedback is a subtle way to get noticed. "It is a fine line, but if you can master the technique, it will pay rewards," he says. And letting your supervisors know that you want criticism will show them that you have the confidence to handle any negative comments, which makes the evaluation process a lot less stressful for them.

6. Empathy for the Boss
The highest-earning employees understand that their job is to make their boss's life easier. Think about the things that your boss doesn't like doing--running meetings, tracking numbers--and ask if you can help by taking over those tasks. It's also important to understand that your boss can't always give you what you want, no matter how great your work is. "Most people get keyed up to ask for a raise and when they hear 'no' they respond really negatively," says Browne. "If you instead say, 'I understand, but when raises are unfrozen I would like to be the first in line,' you'll have a much better chance of getting the raise when they can give it."

Teenage girl beheaded in St Xavier’s College

 Teenage girl beheaded in St Xavier’s College

28 April 2011
In a gruesome incident a lovelorn youth beheaded a teenage girl inside the campus of St. Xavier’s College in Ranchi on Wednesday evening.
The girl, Kusum Kumari was beheaded with a Khukri by the youth near the examination hall of the college. The youth was identified as Vrijendra Prasad.
The boy tried to flee but the students present at the spot overpowered him. Soon a huge crowd gathered and thrashed him brutally and later handed him over to the police. According to the police, both the boy and the girl were from Sonari area of Jamshedpur and the boy was madly in love with the girl.

MY View :- 7 Reasons Why Women Love Bad Boys

MY View :- 7 Reasons Why Women Love Bad Boys

Have you ever wondered why THAT guy always seems to get the girls? He's brash, cocky and he marches to the beat of his own drum. He's on (or over) the edge, bordering on rude and doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone but himself - what exactly do women see in a guy like that?
You consider yourself outgoing, but conservative; interesting but a little shy; you can keep a conversation going, but with the right people... sounds good doesn't it? Why do the bad boys always seem to get the ladies? Here are 7 reasons why:
1. Rebels are confident
That's right. They wouldn't be able to pull off half of the antics they do if they weren't brimming with confidence. Bad boys aren't just confident around their friends, either - their cavalier attitude is in everything they do, from eating their cereal in the morning, to asking the bartender for a cool glass of draft... to talking to the ladies on the balcony at a friend's party. No matter where you look, women find confidence a major turn on.
2. Rebels are indifferent
Bad boys just simply don't give a damn. They can take it or leave it. That's one reason why they fare well with women. If a woman says no, who cares? They move on to the next one, and they do it with the same verve and maverick attitude as they did the last one. Here is a great quote, "Mr. Right doesn't necessarily care if he is Mr. Right." That's indifference in a nutshell.
3. Rebels are exciting and adventurous
Ask yourself, "when was the last time I took a walk on the wild side?" If you are asking yourself that question, then you obviously aren't a rebel. The 'bad boys' are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life - and women can't get enough of it. They find it intriguing. And when you put exciting and adventurous beside the other rebellious traits, it sends women into a tizzy.
4. Rebels are challenging and mysterious
Women don't dig men that are pushovers. They also don't like men that they can see coming a mile away. Contrary to the belief women like men they can read and men that provide them with a sense of security, women actually LOVE to guess! It is challenging for them, and it is one of the elements of the bad boy that keeps them coming back for more!
5. Rebels are very masculine
This often goes hand-in-hand with being confident, indifferent, exciting, adventurous... etc. Bad boys are often rugged and in-control. That doesn't mean controlling; they just know how to get what they want. They speak clearly and confidently, they look you in the eye, they are passionate about what they believe in... but most importantly, they still know how to treat a lady.
6. Rebels give women a feeling of power
The illusion of control is often more powerful than control itself. Power within a relationship, power outside of a relationship - it doesn't matter - being with a bad boy, encompassing all of the above traits, gives women an air of strength and togetherness. Essentially the confident, cocky bad boy image rubs off a little bit on her - and she laps it up!
7. Rebels know how to talk to women
If they weren't confident, rebels would not be the chick magnets they are. Instead of indifferent, they would be self-conscious and non-committal (how many women have you passed up because you didn't think you were good enough?) - you see, rebels don't care. Rising to the challenge, living the wild side of life, being something more than conservative, and keeping her guessing about you - and her - it's an explosive combination! And one that is geared to success for the dating male.
The combination makes the talking part almost a given - considering the woman's interest has already been sparked. Talking with them is just the part that reels them in. And the bad boy knows how to tell her just what she wants to hear.
Rebels know how to talk to women because they are all of the above. Confidence followed up with indifference, sprinkled with a little bit of mystery, intrigue and excitement is what attracts most women to start. That gets you the 'in' to talk with them - they're interested, now you have to show them what you've got. Figuring those things out is the trick. Bad boys use their conversational skills to keep a woman interested and wanting more - and you can too.

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