Sunday, August 14, 2011


Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle

When I was young, I didn't appreciate that sentiment like I do now. The older you get, the more you realize that it's true. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle of one kind or another.
That's also true of Christians. There are some reading this article who are fighting battles of one kind or another. It may be dealing with the loss of a loved one in death, taking care of aging parents, problems with our children or grandchildren, facing temptations of one kind or another, dealing with illness, with financial problems or whatever it may be. Many, if not all of us are fighting battles and facing troubles.
But we don't have to fight these battles alone. And even if every one of our friends forsakes us, and all our family deserts us, there is One who is always there to help and render comfort in our time of need. 

One of the things we should realize is that even though we are faithful Christians, troubles will come and battles will have to be fought. , "Man who is born of woman Is of few days and full of trouble." Seeing that all of us fit this description, that means none of us are exempt from troubles. In fact, Job says our days will be full of trouble. Due to the condition of this world, brought about by sin, our lives are full of trouble. As Christians, we must recognize this and deal with it the best we can. We must realize that the world, as created by God, is the best world it can be to accomplish God's purpose in our lives, and we must learn to trust Him and realize that the circumstances we are facing will work out for our good and the good of others who may be involved
In fact, not only is the condition of the world in general a cause of trouble, but God even promises Christians that we will have troubles brought on just because we are Christians.  "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." God does not promise us that because we become Christians we're going escape all the problems of life. In fact, He promises just the opposite when it comes to living in this world and facing the problem of persecution. Oh, we may not be persecuted in this country today like those people of the first century or like people may be in other countries -- not yet, although that time may come; We "have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin." as the writer of Hebrews says in chapter 12 and verse 4. But there are other ways we can be persecuted. And if we are living godly in Christ Jesus we will suffer persecution. So, we must be ready for that and learn to deal with it in a way that's pleasing to God. 


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